Thursday, May 17, 2007


imagination is a great power that humans have and animals do not...and i guess that is one difference that we are thought of as a "better race on animals"..or in polite words"social animals"(that is an entirely different story that animals are better at socializing too....).

so...we can imagine pictures..things..feelings..and lot more that has been left to be imagined....
this power has given us so much to think and then again imagine beyond a cartain deed,action or thought....

often we think and thank GOD for a right imagination that creates a new perception....
then again..a negative perception is mad..if the movie imagined is not so peaceful....

our live our based on imagination....we thrive on them...what we eat.drink and use has emerged out of this power.....

even to mess with someone we use imagination..and if the person is some bigtime joey..then we imagine to our contents about settling scores with him........

an interesting fact is no human being can survive without exercising this ticket.....
we imagine to survive...
we die in imagination..
we love to imagine.....
and then hate to come out of them if they burn our tastebuds...
so its all about imagination........we believe in it... we live it..we share it... and we enjoy it and its not me alone but many fellows of my race who think and have thought and are continuously thinking on the point that:........i live because i - magine........